If you're up to your neck in something, or up to your eyeballs in something, you've got too much of it and it's become a problem For example I'm up to my neck in emails and I don't think I can get away at the moment Christmas is the worst time at the animal shelter We're always up to our eyeballs in stray dogs and cats Quick Quiz If you're up to your neck in work, you a have a lotJust emerging from trouble;Rarely do any of us bask in flowery beds of ease for any length of time while living on this earth Instead, we often find ourselves up to our eyeballs in
Up To Your Eyeballs
Up to your eyeballs in alligators
Up to your eyeballs in alligators-Synonyms for up to the eyeballs in Free Thesaurus Antonyms for up to the eyeballs 2 synonyms for eyeball orb, eye What are synonyms for up to the eyeballs?Definition of 'up to your eyeballs in something ' up to your eyeballs in something very deeply involved in an unpleasant situation The onetime media tycoon is down on his luck, out of a job, and up to his eyeballs in debt

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When You're Up To Your Eyeballs in Alligators Paperback – January 1, 1998 by Wilde (Author) 32 out of 5 stars 7 ratings See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions Price New from Used from Hardcover "Please retry" $999 $999 $1629 Paperback "Please retry" $3798 $3798 $532 Hardcover $999 3 Used from $1629 1 New from $999How a prepaid debit card can help you rebuild your credit Consumers today are up to their eyeballs in debt ¿Cómo una tarjeta de débito prepagadas puede ayudar a reconstruir su crédito Hoy los consumidores hasta sus ojos en deuda The local authorities are up to their eyeballs trying to maintain order and find people who went missing in · Your sister tells you she just picked up the latest purse in the Louis Vuitton spring line, and you think about that Chloe bag you didn't really want until now We do
· Are You Up to Your Eyeballs in Trouble?Remember that funny Lending Tree commercial where a guy named Stanley Johnson appeared to be living the good life?Up To Your Eyeballs In Alligators!
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Frank Miller is up to his eyeballs in debt Frank Miller est endetté jusqu'au cou How a prepaid debit card can help you rebuild your credit Consumers today are up to their eyeballs in debt Comment une carte de débit prépayée peut vous aider à rebâtir votre crédit Aujourd'hui, les consommateurs sont à leurs yeux de la detteロングマン現代英英辞典より up to the/your eyeballs in something up to the/your eyeballs in something informal if someone is up to their eyeballs in something, they have more than they can deal with She's up to her eyeballs in debt → eyeball Quizzes Quizzes Take our quick quizzes to practise your vocabulary We have thousands of sixquestion quizzes to try Choose fromBe up to your eyeballs in sth definition 1 to be very busy with something 2 to be very busy with something Learn more Learn more Cambridge Dictionary Plus

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Be up to your eyeballs in something phrase pluck up (the) courage (to do something) phrase up to your neck / ears / eyes in something phrase bring / keep someone up to date (with / on something) phrase DEFINITIONS 4 1 used for saying the most that an amount can be, or what level it can reach Some dinosaurs were up to twentyseven metres long Children are forced to work upPerhaps in heaven we'll enjoy that, but on this earth we'll have trouble Everyone reading this is inUp to your eyeballs If you are up to your eyeballs in an unpleasant situation, you are very deeply involved in it He was out of a job and up to his eyeballs in debt I simply won't have the time — I'm up to my eyeballs in work See also eyeball, to, up

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Another word for up to your eyes (in) very busy (with), overwhelmed (with), caught up (in), inundated (by), wrapped up (in) Collins English ThesaurusOther symptoms of rubella (these are more common in teens and adults) can include headache, loss of appetite, mild conjunctivitis (inflammation of the lining of the eyelids and eyeballs), a stuffy or runny nose, swollen lymph nodes in other parts of the body, and pain and swelling in the joints (especially in young women)Posted Mon, Feb 14, 11 at 301 pm ET Updated Mon, Feb 14, 11 at 328 pm ET

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· "I'm in debt up to my eyeballs I can barely pay my finance charges Somebody help me!" If that sounds like you, read on Here are a few reasons why you're swimming in debt and what you can do about it No spending plan Without a plan or financial goals, you're headed down the road to digging yourself deeper into debt A spending plan establishes goals and principles If your1 IEP WEBINAR SERIES MODULES I5 GaDoe Home Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Special Education Services and Supports IEP and Related Services Resources IEP Webinar Series 2 Some Disclaimers •Transition –Transition Plans will not be discussed during this session –There are numerous materials regarding Transition available on · 如果你说自己是 up to your eyeballs (in something) 那就是在说你正在为一项具体的工作而忙得不可开交,一点闲暇时间都没有。 例句 I'd love to go the cinema

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Define up to the eyeballs up to the eyeballs synonyms, up to the eyeballs pronunciation, up to the eyeballs translation, English dictionary definition of up to the eyeballs n 1 The globeshaped portion of the eye surrounded by the socket and covered externally by the eyelids 2 The eye itself 3 An overhead light fixture Up to the eyeballs definition of up to the eyeballs by ThePrevious article When Life Gets You Down Next article When Your World Comes Crashing Down Latest Sermons Get Your Hands Up · When you're up to your eyeballs in deadlines and demands, it's easy to lose sight of why you started a business in the first place It probably wasn't just to earn a living

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Synonyms for 'be up to your eyeballs in something' run around, rush around, juggle, pack in, immerse yourself in something, have your hands fullDefinition of BE UP TO YOUR EYEBALLS IN SOMETHING (phrase) have a very large amount to deal with(to be) up to your eyeballs Examples 1) A few short years later when most of the guys are up to their eyeballs in debt, they agree to do a reunion album and tour with all six 2) almost two months now would be rambling;

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Read When You're Up to Your Eyeballs in Trouble, Part 1 from Christian radio ministry Love Worth Finding with Adrian Rogers Study the Bible, learn about Jesus Christ, getUp to your eyeballs in something Don't bother her she's up to her eyeballs in paperwork up to your eyes in something I'm up to my eyes in work at the moment up to your• Let the Holy Spirit make that promise a burning reality in your heart • Refuse any confidence in the flesh;

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Up to your eyeballs If you are up to your eyeballs in an unpleasant situation, you are very deeply involved in it He was out of a job and up to his eyeballs in debt I simply won't have the time — I'm up to my eyeballs in work See also eyeball, to, up · When You're Up To Your Eyeballs In Trouble, Part 1 By Adrian Rogers Someone once observed that as Christians we're either in the midst of a battle, just emerging from a battle, or headed into one Rarely do we bask in flowery meadows of peace!Well, you know your family's at the tippytoppy of the my list of priorities, but the guy that she was with was connected, mobbed up to the eyeballs connected

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Put your eyes upon God • Give yourself to worship • Then begin to praise God in the face of opposition • Expect God to send confusion to the enemy • Get ready for a blessingNoté /5 Retrouvez When You're Up To Your Eyeballs in Alligators Taschenbuch by Wilde et des millions de livres en stock sur Amazonfr Achetez neuf ou d'occasionCanadians are fed up to the eyeballs with this kind of behaviour Les Canadiens en ont plus qu' assez de ce genre de comportement It's got metastases up to the eyeballs Avec des métastases jusque dans les yeux?

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· Up To Your Eyeballs Crossword Clue The crossword clue Up to your eyeballs with 6 letters was last seen on the January 01, 13 We think the likely answer to this clue is BURIED · Let's face it, when it feels like you're in debt up to your eyeballs, it can get a little discouraging This is especially the case when most of the debt is concentrated in just one or two large loans, such as a student loan or a mortgage But it can also be the case if you have a bunch of smaller debts that add up to a large amount'But that's why you're up to your eyeballs in debt in the first place' 'There's nothing very glitzy or glamorous about struggling to put up a big tent in a high wind with freezing rain trickling down your neck and mud up to your eyeballs' 'Two hours later, you're up to your eyeballs in miniature traffic signs and store facades' 'Cooked to a cinder one day, up to your eyeballs

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September 1, 19 Save Article If you're reading this, it's almost certain you're at one of three places right now in the midst of trouble;You're in debt up to your eyeballs Je zit diep in de schuld You're in debt up to your eyeballs U zit tot over uw oren in de schuld Now you are the one who is up to your eyeballs in debt Jij bent degene die tot aan zijn nek in de schulden zit You're advising people about debt, and you're up to your eyeballs in it · When You're Up To Your Eyeballs In Trouble, Part 1 February 28, 15 Save Article Part One Someone once observed that as Christians we're either in the midst of a battle, just emerging from a battle, or headed into one Rarely do we bask in flowery meadows of peace!

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